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 你的位置:114信息网 > 供应商 > (到期未付费)温州松惠电器科技有限公司 免费发布产品免费发布供应信息   
主营产品: 美艺86、精品86、金典86、安居A9、连体86、86工程系列、明装、118、金典118、精美118、德韵118、精品118等墙壁开关、
经营模式: 生产型
注册信息: 未认证
公司人员: 销售科
联系电话: 0577-86991238
经营地点: 浙江温州
公司地址: 温州市龙湾区沙城街道永阜西路3号
    Our company is a professional enterprise in the electrical products R&D andmanufacturing, with the complete system the development,design,manufacturing andinspection. Associated with it, the company brings together dozens of software of the design and manufacturing which are the most advanced in the world. So our products cane more personal and more aesthetic. In the introduction of high quality talent, the company has a leading international R&D team in the low voltage electrical industry field.And has a laboratory with the most advanced equipments for the product's development
    that make our products have always maintained a leading position in the technology.
    Our company provides ODM services long term for the well-known domestic and Toreign companies and brands. And maintained a good strategic and cooperaute partnership with well-known domestic and foreign electrical appliances and lighting enterprises,we take the“harmony, innovation, development and win-win" as our spint enterprise," focus on metal switch, to create industry model" as our philosophy oee Drand. We provide high
    quality, reliable products, satisfactory services and life expererof ashion and tchnoloy pret combination 1o the customers.
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